Givens Brook Falls - Wild In Nature ','

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Givens Brook Falls

I thought there was not many places I hadn’t discovered on all my years living in and exploring Kings County. However,I keep finding new little gems, like Shingle Mill Falls

This time we discovered Givens Brook Falls.

Givens Brook Falls

Just south of Harbourville, this waterfall is apparently one of three along Givens Brook. We didn’t look for the others – we saw no trail that leads further down the brook.


Take Exit 15 (Berwick ) from Highway 101.At the top of the off ramp, turn right towards Harbourville.

Drive about 9.5 km, and turn left on Barley Street.

Drive approximately .5 km and pull off  on the near side of the  bridge. ( There’s room to pull off)

Follow the path on the right side of the road. You can’t miss it, because there’s a sign.


  • Givens Brook

It’s less than .25 to the falls from the road. When the path forks, it’s easiest to take the one on the left. There are roots and trees to help you down the quite steep path that way, but you will still have to cross the brook to get to the front of the falls. It’s pretty easy to cross here.

However, when do I do the easy way? Instead we turn the right hand fork . Very steep and nothing to hang onto to slow your descent. Share on X

Plus, it’s not as easy to cross the brook. Luckily it was a warm day so wet feet wasn’t a big deal.

Rocks are slippery though!

There may or may not be a geocache here. I don’t geocache, so I didn’t look for one.

The pool beneath the falls wasn’t exceptionally deep even in spring , although it would make a nice way to get at least wet. For a better place to swim, try Crystal Falls on Greenwood.