A Winter’s Morning in Fishermen’s Cove
It’s been a while since I have written about anything at all, but with the start of a fresh year and decade, I hope to put my writers block/burnout/outright laziness behind. Being out and about this week has me all fired up to get to my laptop. I have been wanting to go see the Lobster Trap Tree at Fishermen’s Cove and made a point of getting down before it was disassembled for the season. While it was daylight and not as beautiful as it would have been all lit up in the evening, it was still pretty unique and charming. In fact, the holiday spirit was all around, no…
Flounder Fishing in the Minas Basin
Most restaurants in Nova Scotia use haddock in their fish and chips but at home, I use flounder . My family heads out in Mid June to early July to Houston Beach (below Blomindon) to catch some for supper and some for winter provisions. Like all Bay of Fundy adventures, this one is tidal. (Find time times for Blomidon here) The plan is to wait for the tide to come in and lift us off the bottom, so with the help of a set of bicycle wheels set on an axle, we push- pull it down closer to the water line. Our crew usually tries to be there about 3…