The Jodrey Trail Loop- Northward to Indian Springs - Wild In Nature ','

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Hiking & Walking

The Jodrey Trail Loop- Northward to Indian Springs

I love Blomidon and the moderately difficult Jodrey Trail is my favorite. Up until recently, time and  lack of motivation kept me from hiking to the end of it , usually choosing to head back along the Woodland Trail., or crossing over at the Visitor Centre and going down Borden Brook.

This time, my goal was to get to Indian Springs and  that last look off. I parked at the Visitor Centre to do the 8.5 km round trip upper loop.

There were some climbs but nothing like the lower part of the Jodrey Trail. Lots of roots -a walking stick is handy. Part of the trail leads through the campground-watch for Jodrey Trail signs!  The trail itself is well marked  and maintained but on this trip (Late Sept. 2022) there were several trees hovering across the path  close to the north end of the trail and one that I had to shuck my path and crawl underneath.  Remnants of Hurricane Fiona, I suppose. Adventure.

There’s a sign along the trail that proclaims a Vernal Pool. What is a vernal pool you may ask?

Wikipedia says this :Vernal pools, also called vernal ponds or ephemeral pools, are seasonal pools of water that provide habitat for distinctive plants and animal.

The one at Blomidon is home to many frogs, salamanders and tiny fairy shrimp-one of only three places in Nova Scotia where you will find these rare invertebrates.

Vernal pool along the Jodrey Trail
Vernal pool along the Jodrey Trail

The Look outs afford nice spots to stop and grab a snack and a drink. I’d like to see them build a bench along one side for those of us who might struggle to get up once we get down to the landing Views are gorgeous from Five Islands to Cape Chignecto.

Five Islands from a Jodrey Trail Lookout
Five Islands from a Jodrey Trail Lookout
You will find you may have to cross a teeny brook. It was easy to cross going into the last look off but coming back on the other side, of the loop I had to balance on a little log to get over-and I have no discernable balance. More… Share on X

At Indian Springs Brook, a cairn commemorates the gift of 400 acres of land to the park by the late Roy Jodrey.

Cairn dedicated to Roy Jodrey along the Jodrey Trail
Cairn dedicated to Roy Jodrey along the Jodrey Trail- for which we are thankful

What You Need To Know About Blomidon Provincial Park

  • Blomidon closes for the season this year on Oct 10th!! Gates to this Visitor Centre and Campground are closed. However you can still access the trails via the lower beach parking lot. You will just have a longer, harder  hike.
  • Beware of slippery sections after a rain, particularly on the lower Jodrey trail and the Borden Brook Trail.
  • Bring water and a snack and appropriate clothing.  Pack in and pack out, please.
  • Directions: Hwy 101, Exit 11 to Rte 358,  3138 Pereau Road, Canning.