Cape breton trails Archives - Wild In Nature ','

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  • Hiking & Walking,  Waterfalls

    Hiking the Coney Brook Trail

    Since experiencing the beautiful Skyline Trail along the Cabot Trail  last September,we’ve been planning for almost  a year to hike to do it again in October when the fall leaves would be at their most vibrant. Mother Nature had a different idea. Skyline was closed due to aggressive moose behavior-it is the rutting season after all. So. No Skyline. 🙁 .alas. (However we were very lucky to see a pair of moose across from the Coney Brook trail head)     But there are plenty of other hikes along the Cabot Trail, so after a bit of research, we decided to try the Coney Brook Trail. It’s not far from…

  • Sunset on the Cabot Trail
    Cape Breton,  Hiking & Walking,  Nova Scotia

    The Beautiful Cabot Trail, Cape Breton

      Personally, I think the best time to tour the Cabot Trail is once the leaves turn color, but recently we took the opportunity to introduce some friends from Holland to it’s beauty. We were only joining them for part of the trip,so we picked up the RV they had booked at CanaDream in Waverly, and headed out. Day One We only made it to Port Hood-and only stopped there because it was the closest thing we could find for a camping spot. We drove into Sunset Sands RV Park at around 8pm.No one was around to help us so we helped ourselves to a site. A telephone number posted…