Part 2- 26 Nova Scotia Day Trips I to P
Here we go with part 2 of this three part series of Nova Scotia day trips . An alphabet soup of exploration, if you will.
Sometimes, it’s hard to pick between several places with the same first letter, and sometimes, it’s hard to dig up one at all (just wait until I get to ‘z’ next week.) I always try to refer to places I’ve actually been so I can give honest information.
For now, have a look and make some notes for your upcoming days off this summer.
Happy Planning!
I.Ingonish Beach We visited this small beach when touring the Cabot Trail last Sept, a sandy beach about 60 kms east of Baddeck. The path to the beach is somewhat rocky. There are picnic tables and washroom facilities. Some ass had made an awful mess -what’s wrong with people,yuck- and since it was off season-I guess-it hadn’t been cleaned up. I did enjoy the beach and had a nice swim and we had it pretty much to ourselves in mid September.

J. Joggins. Joggins is for sure not the only fossil site, in Nova Scotia nor even the closest one to me (Think Blue Beach) but it is one of some importance. A 15-km length of the coast known as the Joggins Fossil Cliffs was officially listed on the World Heritage List on July 7, 2008.There is a cafe onsite to grab a bite. You are only 5 km away from River Hebert -which if it fits your schedule- is a spot to view the tidal bore. To find out the tidal bore times for that area, call the Amherst Visitor Centre a few days ahead of time. Because if you are even 20 minutes late, you’ll probably miss it.Heritage Models Museum is also close by.

K. Kejimkujik National Park. I have been going here since my babies were,well, babies. I have lots of memories of biking and hiking and kayaking and swimming and mud fights and night theatre- I’ve coaxed (bullied) a few timid not wanna be kayakers into enjoying the calm paddling of the Mersey River. We’ve roasted tons of hotdogs and set at least one propane stove afire (more on that another time) Can you tell is is my favorite and kind of spiritual place for me?
Weekends are a crapshoot as far as getting a spot to camp goes if you haven’t reserved ahead. Long week usually seemt be reserved as soon as the reservation system opens You could take you chance and drive there…. but I wouldn’t……I usually try to take my weekends starting Monday. 🙂 There’s good snowshoeing here and there’s a sheltered picnic area not to far from Mill Falls s. o you can have a meal and stay dry no matter what the season.

L. Lawrencetown (Annapolis County) Alright.This is a teeny tiny village whose claim to fame is the Annapolis Valley Exhibition.(I once saw Glass Tiger there!) I like it because it seems, I dunno-more like what an old fashioned exhibition should be.
If you are thinking about a day kayaking trip, you can do what we did- drop the kayaks and the husband off at the boat launch in Lawrencetown, drive west and leave the truck at the boat launch at the Visitors Centre In Bridgetown (about 15 km away) and then hop on Kings Transit to jump off in Lawrencetown again. (Or have two vehicles, whatever) This is a pretty long paddle,especially if the tide is coming into the Annapolis River. Hubby says if you want a leisurely paddle, time it to leave about high tide. Bring food. And water.

M.Malagash. I first visited to do an magazine article about biking this peninsula, but have gone back a few times since. One of the spots I head for is the Blue Sea Beach Provincial Park -since it’s on the Northumberland Strait, expect the water to be fairly warm. (no promises!)There are picnic tables and change rooms and for the unsuspecting-poison ivy. Stop by Jost Vineyards for a wine tasting, have a meal at their cafe or rent a bicycle from them to explore the island on two wheels. Other places on interest are the Vista Bella Farm & Malagash Cidery and the Malagash Salt Miners’ Museum.
N.Noel. Named after the Acadian Noël Doiron,who settled in the area before joining the exodus of Acadians leaving mainland Nova Scotia.
Noel’s Burntcoat Head Park known for having the Guinness Books of Records world’s highest tides. This is a must see for those interested in our tides. Keep your eyes peeled for the road that leads to the park-it’s easy to miss.
To fill in your day, have lunch and a short walk at Anthony Provincial Park, about 17 kms east. If you are craving for a adventurous treat-schedule your trip around ar river rafting tour-there are several companies located in South Maitland. I’ve gone out a few times with Shubenacadie River Runners and they always take great care of me. I’d like to be able to afford to take my whole family out-love to hear the daughters-in-law scream. But it’s soo fun. And safe, with highly trained guides. Reservations are strongly recommended. Bring a towel and a change of clothes-you WILL stick get wet.

This photo of Shubenacadie River Runners is courtesy of TripAdvisor
O. Oak Island. Last year my sister was lucky enough to get6 tickets for a tour to Oak Island hosted by Charles Barkhouse. Charles is a first class storyteller, and makes it interesting for even a lukewarm fan like myself. It’s fun though now to watch the show and see the points of interest we saw on the tour. Unfortunately……as of this writing,both the Oak Island Official Tours and the Friends of Oak Island Tours are sold out for 2018.Sorry. The interpretive centre is open May 19 TO October 14 from 10 – 5 Daily.
(Exception will be posted at the beginning of the Causeway) The Friends of oak Island Tours tickets sale begin March 1st-mark your calendars for 2019!!!

P. Port Mouton Ahhh, Summerville Beach. Over a km of gorgeous sand to stroll along. Azure water lapping at the shore. THIS IS THE COLDEST FRACKING WATER I HAVE EVER BEEN IN-and I’m not afraid of cold water. Not a big enough parking lot for a hot day. There are pit toilets and roofed picnic tables. Be advised this is nesting area for the endangered Piping Plover. I love these birds-please keep to the pathway to avoid disturbing them. Stop at Seaside Seafoods for fish and chips if you don’t feel like packing yet another picnic. If you really want to live it up-book a night or two at the Quarterdeck to soak up the sun and relax.