Returning to Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct - Wild In Nature ','

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Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct
Beaches,  Hiking & Walking

Returning to Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct

Hubby tells me it’s been 17 years since we last scrambled our way along the trail to Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct.

He was 50. I would have been 46. Yes, we are THAT old.

Over 2500 years ago, the now submerged sections of  Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct was home to ancestors of the Mi’kmaq . Since then, it’s rocky and barren landscape lent itself to few successful  occupations, however foundations of  a large sheep farm  are still found along the trails . You’ll find glacial erratics- large granite boulders left by receding glaciers-sticking up out of the bogs and fossilized tree stumps which may be 1000’s of years old. The bogs are home to rare plants such as  Pitcher plants, Horned bladderwort, and Sundew . Salamanders,toads, snakes, voles, and shrews make this area of the Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct their home.

White tail deer are sometimes spotted there and the day we hiked, a sign at the trail head proclaimed the possible presence of a black bear.

And of course, the coastline usually offers views of grey seals-who are no doubt just as curious about us as we are about them.

Seals-Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct courtesy of TripAdvisor

This photo of Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Our plan was just to hike to the Look Off at Harbour Rocks,  just over 5 km return. The trail was flat and easy walking, so we said “what the hell, let’s do the whole thing”.The entire trail stretches around this tip of Nova scotia for  a  8.5 km hike, the scenery is stunning, but……..  I guess we are so very old we forgot about the rocks.

I told you there were rocks.This photo of Kejimkujik Seaside is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Rocks. Whole beaches of ’em. Thrown by the wild Atlantic in deranged fit of frenzy. And the trail, if you want to call it a trail at that point, leads directly on top of these ankle turning, toe stubbing, ocean formed balls of granite. This is where I’d  recommend a hiking pole-the extra ‘leg’ does wonders in helping one’s balance.

What You Need to Know About Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct

Find it at 1188 St Catherine’s River Road, Port Joli, South Shore

The park is only  partially wheelchair-accessible.

Swimming is not recommended due to dangerous currents

Dogs must be on leash and cleaned up after

There is no admission-open year round as trail condition dictate

No biking and please stay on trails

Do not disturb the endangered Piping Plover as they nest nor the delicate sand dune

Although Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct does have  a small beach area-it’s less than 5 k  from Carter’s Beach

And oh yes. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  fell in love with the Adjunct on his visit there July 2017.