Events from September 24, 2018 – May 21, 2023 › Hiking › – Wild In Nature ','

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9 Mile River Hike Sunday April 30 2023

  9 Mile River Trail Pitcher Plant Trail to Hemlock Cathedral Trail Loop This is approx. 9 km moderate hike along the Meet 9: am at the trail head- 1143 Enfield Rd, Nine Mile River, NS B2S 2T7  Car pooling is encouraged. We usually leave on time.I f you plan to go to this,  text me at 902-690-7836 and also f you can't make it after you had planned to hike with us, please text me so we don't wait for you. Dress for the weather, bring water, snacks and tick repellent. More info  here

Thanksgiving Walk to Crystal Falls

Gear up for the big turkey meal by joining me for a Thanksgiving walk to Crystal Falls Directions: Take Exit 17 off highway 101, turn right to Kingston and then left at the lights to Greenwood-proceed to the Greenwood mall Go past the Greenwood Mall and across from Walmart, turn right at the Enviro Depot onto Rocknotch Road. Cross a one lane bridge and come to a T in the road,where you will take a left turn, then right onto a dirt road. There is a red barn on the corner. This is still Rocknotch Road. Continue until you come to a T in the road,then turn left on Harmony Road, crossing a one lane bridge. At the top of the hill, park along the road. The hike begins at the first dirt lane on your right.ry
